Do we realize how important our teeth are for our life to be good and full? Our health, happy meals and the cordiality of our smiles depend on them. People who realize it will make fun of the following facts:
- Science claims that prehistoric people surpassed us with their teeth. Our ancestors crunched with bigger teeth than us.
- The so-called Nutcracker Man(Zinjanthropus boisei), discovered in Tanzania and living 2 million years ago, was lucky to have the thickest tooth enamel among hominids, and ate only nuts and seeds.
- There were no toothpaste, nor toothbrushes back then, but people still managed to keep their oral hygiene.
- The ancients chewed sticks to clean their mouths after eating.
- In Egypt, crushed egg shells and crushed animal hooves were used to clean and polish.
- In the Middle Ages, people dried them with flax. They also used a paste made from thyme and salt crystals. The teeth were also brushed with powdered charcoal or crushed black pepper.
- The Chinese perfected the technology with the first real brushes made of fine pig bristles in 619. They looked like paint brushes.
- Today’s brushes are made by ex-prisoner William Addis. He first thought of it during his prison years, shortly after he broke free made them as his brand.
- Western myth claims that when a child leaves its tooth bellow the pillow the tooth fairy will claim it and give money in exchange for it. For most kids that a fortune
- It is believed that the tooth fairy’s name is Fatina and lives in No man’s land.
- There is an old Bulgarian custom of the child throwing the baby teeth on the roof with the words: “Here, take my baby tooth Vranke and give me an iron one!”