Digital dentistry

Digital dentistry
What exactly is digital dentistry? We are living in a modernized world, where technology and innovations are growing significantly fast. For that we c...
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13605 Hits


Do we realize how important our teeth are for our life to be good and full? Our health, happy meals and the cordiality of our smiles depend on them. P...
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4703 Hits

What is a dental spa?

What is a dental spa?
What better feeling than to have an appointment with your personal dentist and not feel intimidated or discomfortable at all? You can’t deny that ther...
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11647 Hits

Sleep apnea - should you worry about it?

Sleep apnea - should you worry about it?
It turns out that often people do not take snoring or waking up in the middle of the night seriously. But the reason behind it might be the sleep apne...
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1614 Hits